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Leadership Breakfast meeting-Rethinking Child Discipline: Leadership Challenges in Trying to Change Social Norms

Please join us for the next virtual Leadership Breakfast meeting, one in a series offered by the HKS New England Alumni Association:


Maureen Mahoney, Founder of the Mahoney Family Fund; Rep. Tram Nguyen of the 18th Essex District, MC/MPA ‘24; Stacie LeBlanc, The Up Institute); Jen Myers, Lowell Public Schools; and Cecilia Gutierrez Yapur, Coalition for a Better Acre.

Can you think of any beliefs, mindsets and practices that were once socially acceptable? What does it take to change the way we think and act?  What are the leadership challenges and strategies in shifting a social paradigm?

 Join us for perspectives and experiences trying to reduce domestic violence by rethinking child discipline.